Sunday, 3 December 2017

Opening the window of opportunity: Why we need to bring back windows that open in our office buildings

High rise buildings in Shenzhen China

 I still remember the draughty, chill of the air-conditioned “computer room”. It was thought that computers couldn’t possibly survive the heat and dust of India without climate control as they might get damaged internally. I am also old enough to remember when most office buildings were naturally ventilated, even in sultry Madras. The offices were filled with stacks of papers anchored from the outside breeze and indoor fans by paperweights.

In a span of just 20 years, offices in tropical Asia have changed from offering windows that open to air-tight spaces that are fully air-conditioned. Air-conditioning as an engineering technology is, of course, miraculous and amazing! It delivers, with no nonsense or fuss, dry air and constant temperature which teleports us from the tropics to the alps in an instant. It’s not surprising therefore that Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first Prime minister, who transformed the tiny outpost into one of Asia's wealthiest, singled out the air-conditioner as the most important invention in boosting Singapore’s economy.

Mumbai architect and Professor at Harvard University, Rahul Mehrotra, has a different viewpoint. He believes that this trend towards glass-walled air-conditioned skyscrapers, which he calls the “architecture of impatient capital”, is the product of investment capital that wants fast predictable returns from speculative construction. This commodities architecture has little time or patience for subtle climatic design and openable windows.

The truth is that given the choice, most of us would prefer greater control over our work environments, including the opportunity to prop open a window. Since openable windows actually curb energy consumption, there’s no reason to insist that they be sealed shut. So why don’t we design our work places with windows that open? And what will it take for us to get a breath of fresh air during the workday without leaving our offices to do so?

Why They Don’t Make Office Buildings with Openable Windows?
In the words of Isaac Asimov, “Your assumptions are your windows on the world.” Here are some reasons why it’s assumed that open-and-close windows in an office building are a bad idea:

Openable windows have become unfashionable and interrupt the cool lines of modern architecture. They are assumed to be more expensive than sealed glass facades. They make the owner liable should things or people fall out and allow air, noise, rain and insects to enter. It is also easier to design sealed air-conditioned environments, where a designer doesn’t have to account for employees that could open the windows on a hot day.

Investors would like deep floor plans that pack as many employees on one floor as possible making cross ventilation, interior courtyards and light-wells difficult to achieve.

Saving Energy While Improving Comfort and Productivity
In actuality, well-designed, naturally-ventilated buildings lead to profitability in many ways. They have the potential to cut the energy use of air-conditioned buildings in half.

Access to fresh air also results in better employee outputs. Natural ventilation can increase productivity by up to 11 percent, showing that the profitability of a building’s design can be tied directly to the workforce inside. There’s also the satisfaction derived from self-assessed productivity and the perception of control according to Adrian Leaman and Bill Boardass, as well as a deeper connection to the outdoors.

In addition to a sense of well-being, employees in naturally-ventilated buildings are healthier. One study shows employees in air-conditioned buildings display a greater rate of negative health impacts than those that work in naturally-ventilated buildings.

Analysis using free online EDGE APP

9 Practical Technologies That Can Bring Back Openable Windows in Offices.

Much has been written on ventilation design concepts such as double-skin façade, biomimicry, stack effect ventilation, Venturi effect ventilation, segmented atriums for skyscrapers, solar chimney and passive own draught ventilation. While these are inspirational ideas for “aggressive” passive architecture, they don’t provide easily implemented solutions to the challenges of today’s designers in Asia, where most buildings are built.
Let’s look at some of the more practical technologies that can be applied to almost any high rise office building in order to design a façade with windows that open:

1.       Window Switch: This inexpensive device is integrated into the HVAC system, preventing wasted energy from employees opening windows at inopportune times. When the HVAC system senses a particular window is open, the cooling air supply to that zone turns off, allowing ventilation and the temperature to float. A similar “on-again, off-again” approach is a “traffic light” system that informs employees when it’s a good time to open the window. Studies have shown that these kinds of devices can save on annual energy costs by 40 percent.

2.       Powered Window Actuators: We have them in cars, so why not in buildings? Taking measurements of various conditions inside and outside a building, such as wind speed, dust particulate volume, and temperature levels, sensors can be programmed to open vents automatically at various positions to suit specific conditions. These devices are cost-effective, as a single sensor can control a number of vents.

Window actuators allow a machine-based approach to open windows when conditions are ideal or when the building’s design prevents human access to hard-to-reach vents. By introducing a simple device with a programmed algorithm, the efficiency of the HVAC system can be instantly improved.

3.      Monsoon Windows: For office buildings in the tropics, windows have to be closed when it rains heavily, which results in shutting off airflow. With monsoon windows, a rain sensor closes windows when it rains, however, there is still airflow into the interior.

4.     Full fresh air mode: just like with cars where one can turn off the AC and have the fan on outside air mode left on, the mechanical systems in offices can be designed to have a ‘full fresh air’ mode. The windows can, of course, be left open to flush out internal heat gains and humidity. 
Hybrid Modes of an Office Building in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi.  Source: WSP Group, UK 

5.    Night Ventilation Cooling: In the sub-tropics, where the outdoor temperature in the evening is generally lower, night ventilation (also called “night-purge ventilation” or “night flushing”) is an effective approach by which the cool outside air helps reduce the heat accumulated in the exposed building structure. Windows can either be left open manually or automated to open after the occupation period to provide night-time cooling.

A structural slab ventilation system (such as offered by TermoDeck) can help store the cooler night-time temperature in the thermal mass of the building for the following day.

6.       Noise Cancellation Design: Openable windows are only possible in certain urban settings when noise cancellation has been considered in the design process. The Sun Ship building in Freiberg, Germany has double wall layers with a staggered vertical air inlet and outlet. The front-facing side has a grill and weatherproofing and a large ventilation panel (watch a video of the ventilation concept). Baffles allow the panel to be opened during the day with minimum noise penetration.

Such double-wall plenum structures can be combined with other mitigation measures, such as sound absorbers and active noise control, for enhanced performance. Air-quality sensors paired with actuators can control external noise as well as pollutants within the occupied space.

7.      Insect Screens: Insect screens are desirable for open windows in the tropics where serious illnesses are spread by insects. Smooth, rounded wires or threads forming the mesh of insect screens have non-linear resistance to airflow, with resistance actually higher at lower wind speeds. Where insect screens are placed close to openings there may be difficulty operating certain types of sashes, but magnetically held screens are now available.

8.       Slimmer Plan Depth: Before the advent of air conditioning and electric lighting, office buildings in New York City were designed with deliberately narrow U, E and H-shaped floor plans to facilitate daylight and natural ventilation. Today, the Royal Institute of British Architects recommends a floor plan depth of no more than 15 meters in order to take advantage of cross ventilation. Similarly, the Netherlands has strict regulations on access to natural light and outside views in workplaces, which require buildings to be designed with narrow plan depths.

A ratio of greater surface to floor area will increase the capex of an office but with a significant potential for lower running costs and higher worker productivity, which can be marketed at a premium. Narrow buildings with natural ventilation are also less negatively impacted by times when ventilation systems are inactive (such as power outages), as they are less dependent on daylight and artificial cooling.

9.    Ceiling Fans: In a study on the cooling effect and energy-saving potential of ceiling fans, Professor Steven Szokolay shows that the combined approach of openable windows and ceiling fans in Asian offices can significantly delay resorting to air conditioning. The Infosys office in Hyderabad, India has openable windows and ceiling fans that offer a perceived cooling effect of up to 5.6°C, enabling the building manager to adjust the thermostat higher while maintaining thermal comfort.

Infosys Building for Software Development in Electronic City, Bangalore Source: McD BERL

Perception of Style and Comfort
Beyond technology and design, if openable windows and natural ventilation are to have a significant impact on energy consumption and thermal comfort, our preconceived notion of comfort and style will need to be rethought.

A comparative study of two office buildings in Bangkok one with AC and other without, shows that the offices with natural ventilation were comfortable with temperatures up to 310C. In fact, field research across multiple countries has shown that the human sense of comfort is closely linked to the outdoor temperature and not a constant 240C + 20C. We could save a lot of cooling energy and provide more comfort by linking algorithms to the program of Building Management Systems (BMS) to link the internal temperature settings to the outside temperature.

One wouldn’t dress in a Burmese longyi or to Arabic thawb to play a football game so why do we wear suits derived from British Victorian era to offices in warm and humid Asia? Clothes act as an insulation material and reduce the body’s heat loss. Therefore, the more appropriate the clothing for the climate, the higher the office temperature could be set at. In response to this, some governments are trying to raise awareness and mandate behavioural change.  For example, governments in both Japan and Pakistan are mandating office workers to dress down, ditching their suits and ties for open-necked, short-sleeved shirts-instead of carrying sweaters to protect themselves from over-chilled air.

Opening the Window of Opportunity
In the past, we expected perfect comfort from naturally ventilated buildings which was unrealistic and pretty impossible in most parts of the world. However, with the realization that an Asia with a future full of gas-guzzling, impenetrable office buildings will seal our collective destiny towards a 6-degree warmer world it may be time to be realistic about what natural ventilation can effectively deliver through good design and innovation.

In the quest for modern buildings in tropical Asia to achieve better building performance, a hybrid practice needs to emerge based on the array of options available that blend mechanical and natural ventilation. Designing ‘intentional’ mixed mode buildings with openable windows but being mindful of noise, dust and insects, unpredictability and safety of the users of the building. These “mixed mode” buildings can pioneer a market shift, wringing all of the advantages from natural ventilation while responding to what occupants want and need most. And that ultimately means offering an option that we all crave – the opportunity to get up from our desks and simply open the window.

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Dealing with the Resident Evil: Why it’s Time to Get Serious About Embodied Energy

Brick kilns dot the landscape of South Asia cities. Source:Environmental Health Perspectives

Terracotta tiles or plastic sheets? This was the decision to be made when considering roof materials for Nrityagram, a dance training center on the outskirts of Bangalore that was designed and constructed back in the early 1990s. The project marked the beginning of my interest in lifecycle environmental impacts and in understanding how to best determine the “lesser evil” among building materials.

It was clear there was something wrong with the general consensus at the time that “earthy” clay tiles and bricks were natural materials and therefore “environmentally friendly.” The tiles used up precious top soil in the surrounding villages and took excessive energy to bake them, emitting deadly polluting particles into the atmosphere.

We didn’t have the tools then to determine the best choice for materials. I was fortunate to have had a chance to work under Nigel Howard at BRE to develop ENVEST, the first software tool of its kind for estimating the lifecycle environmental impact of buildings.

Embodied energy is about the way a building is built rather than how it is used. It concerns the “upstream” value of the energy consumed by all of the processes associated with building production, from mining and the processing of natural resources straight through to manufacturing and transport. Embodied energy is the “front-end” component of the lifecycle impact of a building – and it is the part that can never be changed.

The significant impact of building materials manufacturing on the environment

Proportion of materials that get used in buildings vs. other uses. Adapted from
The worst culprits in building materials manufacturing are easy to determine. Five to seven percent of globalCO2 emissions are caused by cement plants. The iron and steel sector account for 11% of global CO2 emissions. And more than 5% of the world’s entire electrical generation is spent on the production of aluminum.

A lot of these manufactured materials are going towards the construction of new homes and commercial buildings due to the construction boom that is happening in the developing world, where population growth and migration to cities will contribute to doubling building stock by2050.
The environmental impact from manufacturing can be a lot more direct for some building materials. For example, the brick sector emits large volumes of black carbon and other suspended particulate matter. According to the Norwegian Institute for Air Research, brick manufacturing kilns in and around Dhaka city are responsible for 58% of the capital city's airpollution — much more than cars, power generation and other industries combined. Brick kilns are a major source of air pollution not just in Bangladesh but across South Asia and China, together accounting for 75% of the global consumption of clay bricks. More than one trillion bricks are produced annually in these countries, resulting in 1.4% of global GHG emissions. To avoid the continued compulsive use of such resource-intensive building materials, actionable change must occur.

For those who still need convincing, consider the role that iron/steel, cement and industrial electricity play in India’s carbon footprint
The above profile is broadly based on the data India submitted to the UNFCCC  through the NATCOM  

The increasing role of materials in the lifecycle impact of buildings.

Most of the focus in the building industry has been on immediate impacts. For example, how can money be saved by reducing operational energy? The reality is that as energy consumption is driven down, the relative importance of embodied energy increases. For example, while adding roof and wall insulation to an un-insulated building reduces the building’s operational energy, it also increases its embodied energy. The proportion of embodied energy compared to operational energy can jump from 10% to 15%[1]. If more and more insulation is added, the embodied energy of the insulation increases but the “return on energy” in terms of operational savings decreases[2]. As the global trend is towards tighter regulations for operational energy consumption (especially in climate zones with high heating and cooling requirements), we must consider the impact of the choices that we make when selecting building materials.

Making Informed choices is much easier than ever before

Screen shot from
At the International Finance Corporation, we created the free EDGE software to help the industry determine which building elements have the highest embodied energy – and where there are  alternatives to reduce embodied energy. For instance, in a 6000m2, five-story office block, about 55% of the building’s embodied energy is from the structural concrete slabs (roof and floor), 20% from windows, 15% from walls and the remaining 10% from flooring.

Given its high embodied energy, finding realistic ways to reduce the embodied energy of the roof and floor structure is critical if one is serious about designing a green building. Generally, these alternatives fall under four main categories:

  • Reduce the quantity of materials used (i.e., steel and concrete) by adding “filler” in slabs and/or reducing column spacing.
  • Substitute high-embodied energy materials with lower embodied energy for example, adding Pulverized Fly Ash (PFA) or Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) instead of cement to concrete.
  • Selecting a more efficient construction technology such as post-tension concrete slab or planks and joists.
  • Finding a completely different material such as timber floor construction. 

Below is a list of embodied energy values for floor slab elements which indicates there are plenty of lower impact options available compared to a typical in-situ reinforced concrete slab.
Data from EDGE Embodied Energy in Materials Methodology Report  

Options that are practical and realistic depend to a large degree on the city or country where the project is located and the materials that are available, as well as the size and scale of the building. In most cases, paying attention at the early design stage and making sensible design and specification choices can reduce the embodied energy of a five-story office building by more than one third.

Create a larger market for low embodied energy products

There are positive signs that mainstream building material manufacturers are attempting to tackle climate change impact. With companies such as Lafarge Holcim pledging to cut CO2emissions by 40% per ton of cement by 2030 we are likely to see more such commitments. The Paris Accord is driving over 200 companies to commit to Science Based Targets, surpassing expectations for corporate climate action.

Given the important role that building materials play in global resource consumption, air pollution and GHG emissions, it is essential that the measurement of embodied energy become a crucial part of the decision-making process for responsible designers and clients. Recognition must also be given to those that are responsible in their choices. Through greater awareness we will create a larger market for low-embodied-energy products and put pressure on all manufacturers to develop alternatives for their respective markets.

[1] Based on an office building in Delhi, using the EDGE software and some back-of-the-envelope calculations.
[2]  The ratio of embodied to operational energy varies by country depending on construction methods and climate zones.